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Product Details

Rahu Kavach
₹ 7000

Rahu kavach is made to get blessings of Rahu deva and thus one get's clarity of mind. When rahu does bad one always remain in confusion and not able to think properly, thus find very difficulty in understanding between good and bad, consequently he destroys his life.

Price List

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  • Frequently Asked Questions:


    Q: What is Rahu Kavach?
    Rahu Kavach is a protective talisman specifically designed to harness positive energies and counteract the negative influences associated with the planet Rahu in Vedic astrology.


    Q: What is the significance of wearing Rahu Kavach?
    Wearing Rahu Kavach is believed to help mitigate the malefic effects of Rahu, such as financial instability, health issues, and obstacles in life. It promotes spiritual growth, stability, and overall well-being.


    Q: How does Rahu Kavach benefit the wearer?
    Rahu Kavach is said to enhance focus, clarity, and decision-making abilities. It protects against negative energies, promotes success, and brings about positive changes in one's life.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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