Privacy Policy

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    www. (“we”, “Dhwani Astro LLP)”, “Dhwani Astro” (web and application) hereinafter referred to as “website”) is a website committed to the privacy of its users and visitors’ users of the web application (whether or not it is registered). Dhwani Astro Services offers astrology services through its astrologers and buys services customized according to the needs of the customer. Therefore, kindly take a few moments to go through this privacy policy that outlines how the website is going to use the information that you give out to the Website.

    The provisions of this policy are as per the provisions contained in the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules 2011 and Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules 2011 which mandates the act of the Company as to the collection, retention, use, and sharing of sensitive personal data or information of its users.


    This Privacy Policy, which may be modified/updated sometimes as well, covers the particulars, name, and birth details provided by its users for identification and contact purposes, and any prediction made based on details provided by the users and its further use in the overall context of the Website. You agree that by accessing the website and engaging ourselves in its content, we indicate ourselves to the policy stated herein as our privacy policy. If you do not accept the terms of this privacy policy then it is your responsibility not to use this website.

    Further navigation on this website shall indicate that you have read and agreed to the terms of this privacy policy about the collection, storage, management, processing, and disclosure of your data and other particulars in terms of the said policy.

    They should be read in conjunction with the relevant terms and conditions set out on the Website which include the relevant Terms of Use.

    Collection of Personal Information

    Becoming a Dhwani Astro member requires a user to provide some specific details in the signup process. The field can only be made compulsory requires you to provide your phone number for OTP (One-Time Password) verification is important to check the authenticity of the registration process. However, to make it easier for you, you will need to fill in your first name, last name, and date of birth (DOB). The date of birth, in turn, can be classified as additional or optional information, which implies the absence of the corresponding strict requirement to fill in this field at the time of registration.


    Thus, Dhwani Astro’s objectives incorporate the desire to provide its users with relevant information based on the created profiles that reflect one’s preferences and needs. Nevertheless, maybe you want to refrain from giving your date of birth but don’t worry because you will not be restricted from accessing the services provided by Dhwani Astro as long as your phone number is verified.

    Data Deletion

    Delete Profile: If you feel that you want to erase your entire Dhwani Astro profile including the personal information linked to the same then you will come across a button saying “Delete your account”. The setting options are located on the side menu if you have logged into your account and you can follow the set procedures aimed at account deletion.

    Voice Recording and Microphone Permission

    In our app, there is an extraordinary opportunity for you to send messages as voice messages in the chat that is following you if you want to ask a question or just want to talk. For your queries, it is also possible to just speak, voice your queries, or record your voice through the device microphone and send them through the chat. This can be viewed as one of the opportunities to use the audio interaction feature to make the use of our application more natural.

    To be able to help you record your questions and ideas as audio, we were to ask for access to your device’s microphone. By granting this permission, you enable our application to record your voice as audio and then turn the audio into the data which we shall make use of.


    The Website aims to shield the informational identity of all sorts of individuals, who may be accessing their account or information on the Website, whether as a member or a customer simply browsing through the site. Every user is advised to know the kind of personally identifiable information obtained before proceeding to use the app. The Website uses the personally identifiable information for certain predictions only but it will be ensured that no direct or indirect use of such information which is revealed in the prediction for a member will be done other than explaining the horoscope charts and predicting to the concerned member disclosing such information. Which is further explains that the Website in no way is involved in the sale or hiring of the information provided to the Website.

    The Website does not undertake to provide help or treatment to users who have a mild form of mental disorder which means any person who has in his/her mind a thought of suicide, self-destruction; or any kind of harm to oneself or others, etc., kindly do not continue using this present website as your continued use of the website is strictly at your own risk and the Website will not take any responsibility in the event of any unfortunate occurrence in your case Such type of user can come in the knowledge of the fact that the Website can share the information he/she provided it with the law enforcement authorities in case needed. Any personal information that is provided by the user while visiting the Website, is also not guarded against any form of non-disclosure or even confidentiality agreements that may be in place with the Website or any third party involved in the scenario.

    That entails that the Website bears no responsibility in any way for the accuracy of the predictions made by each astrologer to each user. The Website hereby disclaims/excepts all warranties, responsibilities, and liabilities arising from the reliability or authenticity of the gems and any other associated merchandise depicted and availed through the Website. This Website further declares that no warranty on such service shall be affixed to it in any manner whatsoever.



    Specifically, information can be considered personal if, through the specifics of the data collected, you can pinpoint a given end user. This information is collected by the website during the following actions:

    Creating an account / Registration data: It is important to note that the User of the Website may be required to open an account with the Website whenever he or she is accessing the Website. The details that would be required for the creation of the account must include Full name, Address, Telephone Number, Address, Date of Birth, Gender, Location, Photograph, and any other ‘sensitive personal data or information’ as explained by the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data of Information) Rules, 2011 under the Information Technology Act, 2000.

    About and for the protection of the User profile and effectively implement the personalized E-mail and SMS Services offered to the User through the Website, the User is hereby informed that the e-mail address or the phone number provided with the password/OTP will be collected. Nevertheless, if the User fails to register at the Website, it might not be possible to supply any kinds of services due to the absence of personal data of the User.

    Booking a paid service: If the User opts to order a service through the Order Form, the information required will be the following and not limited to that shown in Column 1(a), information relating to the User’s financial status such as account details, credit card or debit card details or other modes of payment through a third-party gateway, IP address and other details which a User decides to provide when booking for a paid service on the Website. Information of this kind is strictly kept under lock and key.

    Log Files, IP Address, and Cookies: The material that is collected is placed by your browser on your computer’s hard drive for example cookies. It automatically logs generic information about the user’s computer connection to the Internet i.e. Session Data. The website may also use temporary or permanent ‘cookies’ that are stored on the user’s computer. Cookies would make it possible for the web server instant to recognize the user's computer each time the user gets back to the specific website, including the time and date of its visit, the web page, duration, permanent register or identity number, user registration or password, and similar others. These are cookies that are read just by the server placed and the user may opt to reject such cookies on his computer. It should also be recalled that sometimes the cookies may be disabled which may lead to a situation where the user is restricted from accessing several aspects of the website. Firstly, the website collects the cookie information to give a unique experience to the user on the website and also some advertisements are displayed according to the user's choice.

    Third, some of the services available on the Website may lead the User to the website(s) of third parties. The User information provided on such platforms may be used by them in the manner laid down in the privacy policy adopted by such third-party platforms. Accordingly, the Website in such similar regards /related matters does not accept any liability(is) or claim(s) that may arise with the help of/use of/misuse of such information being given/shared by the User, to third party/person/organization not affiliated /associated with the Website. It fully disclaims any responsibility for the improper use that may be given to the information communicated by the User or by a third party.

    This also includes but is not limited to feedback from the User which can be stated/commented on, etc. which may be referenced/disclosed/informed on an article/blog or groups/forums or other pages that the User may interact with by the time the User is visiting the Website. In particular, the provisions of such information which is freely available and can be easily accessed by all the Users and visitors of the Website, the User is recommended to use its discretion while disclosing it since this information is vulnerable to be misused.

    Miscellaneous Activities: The Website may also get any other information, which may be compulsory to state and further it may request or capture any other information through email or any other method including contract about particular services, which the Website is offering or any product which is being purchased through the Website, such information may not be saved in the User-Member’s Profile but the same may be utilized only for addressing the concern or specific requirement of the User.


    Non-personal information is information collected where the gathered information does not identify the customer as an end user. Such information is collected when the user visits the Website, cookies, etc., and would include but not limited to the following:

    1. The previous URL of the site being accessed by the User before he /she logged into this site or the next URL www site being accessed by the User after he/she logged into this site.

    2. The internet service provider / IP Address / Telecom service provider.

    3. This includes the type of Browser used in accessing the website.

    4. Geographical Location

    Non-personal Identifiable Information: These details are also collected by the Website for the following purposes, among others: diagnosing service/ connection issues, managing the Website, understanding patterns, collecting details about users, frequency of visitors to the Website, average visitors’ time, pages visited during each session, compliance with the current legislation, and assistance with the police work, etc.

    Such data is used for a better understanding of the site content and performance and the website may disclose this information to Third Party Service Providers and Third-Party Advertisers to monitor the gross efficacy of the website’s internet advertising, content, programming, etc., and for any other genuine reasons required.

    Thus, acknowledging and confirming that the information given to the Website is accurate, recent, and valid, the USER hereby undertakes and accepts that the information provided to the Website is true, accurate, up-to-date, and real. USER-GENERATED INFORMATION FLOW AFTER THAT NONE OF THE WEBSITE AND ITS ENTITES SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION THAT THE USER MAY INPUT. The user shall be fully responsible and hold responsibility for violation of any of the Clause and shall compensate the Website for any loss suffered.

    SECURITY MEASURES: It respects the privacy of the User’s data and thereby uses various measures to protect it; these are some measures that any Website and this website will take to ensure that unauthorized individuals cannot gain access to the information: A user’s details accommodated on a site are collected at a secured server. All the payment information for the transaction is provided on the Payment Gateway’s or Bank’s SSL page. The information is transferred between the Bank’s page and the payment gateways used in an encrypted manner. However, please bear in mind that the transmission of information is not immune to hacking or other misdeeds. Therefore, the user is warned to exercise care and avoid sharing the details or particulars that he or she enters on the site such as the login details as provided after creating an account. Specifically, it means that the website is not liable for the protection of the communications that the user might transmit through the Internet by email or other means.

    USAGE OF THE INFORMATION: The purpose for which the information collected through the Website can be used includes any use which may lawful at the time of the law and without prejudice, the following uses shall be allowed: -

    1. To make browsing a more personal affair for users and to allow users to interact with the system in a more personal manner. Nevertheless, following the outcome of this Clause “Personal Identifiable Information” may be used to investigate and for marketing and promotional purposes, to assess the Website usage, enhance the content on the Website and the offered product range, and to adapt the construction of the Website to the needs of the User.


    2. Also, the details of the IP tracking and Cookies data collected will only be used to help the User use the website easily and make it as convenient as possible for the User. Any details that are found to be sensitive will not be shared with any third parties without the prior consent of the User.


    3. All information (and copies thereof) collected by Website for, concerning, or relating to users of the Site or their use of the services including but not limited to Personal Information, User Data, or any information of any kind and nature connected or associated with this Site or services offered by Website may be retained by Website for such period as is required and including but not limited to the following purposes: Legal, tax, evidence, implementing, administering or managing the access


    4. To ensure a seamless experience at the Website for you and to ensure your maximum benefit and comfort, the Website may use the data collected through cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data and clear gif information to: They are: (a) to enable one to avoid typing information more than once during the aggregate visit or on subsequent visits to the site; (b) personalization to provide relevant content and information including advertisement; (c) to facilitate and monitor the delivery of value-added services offered by the Website; (d) to provide usage and pattern data such as number of visitors, traffic, usage and demographics relating to the Website and its services.


    5. Collection of information and data from third-party analytical apps concerning traffic and Service usage. This information is collected by these tools, which do not contain personal or sensitive data that the User sends to the device, including the visited web pages, add-ons, and other data that will help the Website in the development of the Services. This information is collected from Users in the form of anonymized logs and cannot be used practically to identify a single User.


    6. In addition, we do not disclose any mobile information to third parties/affiliates for use in marketing/promotional purposes. Who is sending the text message, individual permission to participate; this information will also not be used to forward for selling or giving out to a third party.


    CONFIDENTIAL: The website wants to effectively manage all the information given to it by its Users, this information may be considered confidential. Thus, any information that is not provided to the website and that falls under the definition of Personal Information in the relevant legislation, shall not be collected/used. The confidential information of the User shall not be disclosed or shared by the Websites:

    1. If the Website feels that there is a strong/ substantial/ potential danger or possibility of danger/wrongdoing to the User’s health, safety, or life or the health, safety, or life of any other individual or the public.


    2. Should such confidential information need to be disclosed to third parties under the law and within the legal framework, the following should apply inclusive ‘Investigations’, ‘Court summons’, ‘Judicial proceedings’, and the like.


    3. To exercise legal rights about the protection of and/or recovery of the rights and property of the Website.

    CHILDREN PRIVACY POLICY: Our website believes using and visiting the services are above 18 years of age for the users, though some services have information that is not restricted for children under 18 years of age. However, it is put forward that the website is not designed and developed to attract children below the age of 13, and in any case, the use of personally identifiable information of individuals below the age of 13 is not permitted knowingly. NOTICE TO USERS [Under 13 years of age Users] If you are below 13 years old, do not use in any way or at any time, any of the services provided on this website. If it is the information of the Website to the concerned parent regarding the sharing of any information of the child under the age of thirteen, then the Website should be contacted. We will also ensure the implementation of measures and the removal of such data from the systems of the Website.

    Safety and Security: respects users’ secrecy and provides the best mechanism to safeguard the user’s profile information, including, but not limited to bio information, status, location, etc., and their monetary information including credit or debit card details, etc. employs the highest standards of the SSL encrypted purchases so that you can assure that your transactions from your side are safe; therefore, we urge our clients to pay via credit/debit cards on with full confidence. In this regard, we aim to ensure the protection and safety of our customers making their stay on Dhwani Astro completely safe and secure, and people have nothing to fear when they buy something online from Dhwani Astro.


    THE WEBSITE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY TRANSACTIONS THAT TAKE PLACE BETWEEN THE USER AND/OR ANY THIRD-PARTY WEBSITE. The user is required to read the terms and conditions, in particular, the privacy policy of the third party on their sites, and the usage of such a link on the page of this website neither establishes this website as a partner nor affiliated with the third party nor will mean that this website is in any way responsible for such usage made solely because a link to the third-party site was placed on the page of this site.


    If you have any queries, you can contact us at:


    Contact No.: 6366526901