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Product Details

Ultimate Money & Wealth Attract Bracelet- Abhimantrit & Certified
₹ 1199 ₹2699

Introducing the Feng Shui Pixiu Bracelet, designed to bring good luck, ward off negativity, and attract wealth into your life.

The Legend of Pixiu Originating from ancient China, the tale of Pixiu has captivated generations. Picture Pixiu as a captivating blend between a lion and a dragon – two creatures renowned for their strength and mystique.

According to folklore, Pixiu possesses two remarkable abilities: it can attract wealth and repel evil forces. It was believed that Pixiu had the power to "consume" money and safeguard it for its owner. Additionally, having Pixiu nearby was thought to offer protection from misfortune and malevolent energies.

The narrative surrounding Pixiu varies across regions. Some stories depict Pixiu as the offspring of a lion and a dragon, while others portray it as a faithful guardian warding off malevolent spirits. Regardless of the version, the consensus remains: Pixiu is an extraordinary creature.

Even in contemporary times, Pixiu is revered as a symbol of good fortune. Many people adorn their homes or businesses with Pixiu statues or imagery to invite positive energy and repel negative influences.

Think of Pixiu as a cherished heirloom passed down through generations, akin to a precious relic from your ancestors. Its mystical essence persists, serving as a reminder of its dual role in fostering prosperity and safeguarding against harm.

Craftsmanship and Design Our Feng Shui Bracelet seamlessly blend modern aesthetics with traditional significance. Meticulously crafted with attention to detail, each bracelet serves as a stunning accessory suitable for any occasion. Wear it as a tribute to the legend of Pixiu, a creature renowned for not only attracting wealth but also safeguarding it for its wearer.

Why Black Obsidian with Pixiu? Pairing Pixiu with black obsidian offers several advantages:

Protection: Both Pixiu and black obsidian are revered for their protective qualities, shielding the wearer from negative energies and malevolent influences.
Personal Growth: Black obsidian facilitates introspection and helps discard negative behaviors, while Pixiu attracts positive changes and dispels bad luck, fostering personal development.
Clearing Obstacles: Black obsidian aids in releasing emotional baggage, while Pixiu invites good fortune, smoothing the path toward achieving one's goals.
Spiritual Cleansing: Pixiu and black obsidian are both potent tools for purifying one's spiritual space, removing negativity, and promoting grounding.
Positive Energy: Together, Pixiu and black obsidian generate a synergistic energy that promotes harmony and well-being.

Choosing the Right Hand for Your Feng Shui Pixiu Bracelet

Left Hand: Considered the "receiving" hand, wearing the bracelet on the left hand is ideal for those seeking to attract wealth and abundance.
Right Hand: Known as the "giving" hand, wearing the bracelet on the right hand is recommended for sending out protective energies and warding off negativity.
Personal Preference: Trust your intuition and wear the bracelet on the hand that feels most aligned with your intentions.

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  • We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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