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  • Dhwani Astro is India's most renowned astrology consultancy company. We're an online marketplace for astrology and related counselling services. As an increasing number of millennials turn to psychic and spiritual answers to fulfil their mental health issues, we've expanded our focus on providing them with industry experience with legitimate service providers. In the meantime, our teams are working on different modalities in Reiki Healing, Vedic Practices, Meditation. We have created our own site for you to communicate with an online astrologer, Dhwani Astro, in order to address any of the questions that the seeker may have. Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot Reading, Chinese Astrology, Horary, Reiki Healing, Vastu, Vedic Astrology, KP System, and Feng Shui are among the disciplines represented on our panel of experts. You can contact our astrologers for online readings for any reading in the given fields of astrology. Our goal is for you to be able to communicate with the astrologer both live and online. To receive a quick astrology consultation, simply log in, recharge your wallet, and connect with live astrologers. It includes a list of the best astrologers in India who specialise in various aspects of astrology. This is the place to go if you want to learn about astrology or see an authentic and professional online astrologer.